Onni, who owns the land of our community garden, decided to put up an ad for a new condo project in Strathcona, the V6A. Formerly thought of as the bad side of town it's quickly becoming the new cool address as land values keep driving up and space downtown evaporates. Milo's response to the sign is illustrated in his drawing. "The sign is blocking out the sunlight, " he exclaimed. Well, it is their land - they donated it so they do have the right to do whatever they want. But who can fault the logic of a five year old, it is after all a garden. I'm not the least bit surprised, corporate sponsorship comes at a price. I'm just disappointment they couldn't gloss up the mo-fo ad with some pretty people having fun or a cool artsy name like The van Gogh. Perhaps something with more street cred to match it's former life like The 'Hood or The E-Side. The V6A? What is this 90210? I guess Vancouverites have bought into the over hyped real estate game so deep that developers don't even have to try and dazzle us with fancy lifestyle ads anymore. Look out marketers your days may be numbered. Maybe they'll reinvest the marketing money into intelligent earth friendly designs. Or maybe guys like Bob Rennie will just get richer now that they have to put less effort into selling us sloppy and poorly built shoe boxes. I'll put my money on the later.