Spring is in the air and even in the downtown core there are trees blooming with beautiful colours. Angela's favourite is the Sakura, cherry blossom, which she has been asking me to get photos of. The blossoms are only around for a short period in the spring and I thought surely I would miss them. Thankfully today the weather and the boys health, they're sporting runny noses, were good enough for a little urban picnic. We opted for one of her favourite spots in the heart of the business district, which conveniently for me, is populated with cherry blossoms. Here's a snap which I've prepared at a standard desktop resolution (1280x1024) for you to download as a desktop. Enjoy.
beautiful Casey. Can't wait til we get back and catch up with the Kwan D'Eons!
Thanks for the screen saver. It looks great on my laptop. How do I delete all the junk on the bottom right and left...
I'll send you a clean copy, but if you gets it here.. it comes a branded - to remind you to come back for more updates and stories on your brother's life on the west coast.
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